This Cast Has Chemistry

This Cast Has Chemistry

Sunday, May 3, 2015

What If There Was A "The Big Bang Theory Movie?"

Tonight I had a thought as I was watching season 7 of "The Big Bang Theory." Will there ever be a "Big Bang Theory," movie? We are looking at a show that is highly successful in it's viewer ratings. Just looking at rating statistics in January it was one of the 2 highest watched shows next to NCIS. So why not a movie? I bet in all the years of production the creators and cast have discussed this. Who knows if it is actually in future plans. Although I am painfully aware that many shows who have attempted such a big venture have failed...I believe this would be a smart choice. I am not just saying this naively as a big fan. Surely, you are wondering "What direction would the project go in?" I am so glad you asked. In my opinion it would be fun to have all the main characters go on a vacation. Raj could even bring Cinnamon. Perhaps a big cruise would be exciting to tackle fears, romance and offcourse a lot of humor. They should include special appearances of Stuart, Will Wheaton, Zazzles (move over Grumpy cat) and Kripke. The image I included is not official just a fun creation of a fellow fan. I googled images and loving this immediately I figured you would appreciate this as well. Keep your fingers crossed, I am hoping we will see an announcement some day that the movie is in production. Wouldn't that be exciting?

Quote: Raj: If anyone's interested, I'll be spending this Valentine's in the same way I spend every Valentine's. Buying disoriented chicken from the supermarket, taking home, standing over the sink and eating out of the packet with my bare hands like an animal.

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