This Cast Has Chemistry

This Cast Has Chemistry

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sheldon's Favorite "Spaghetti Hot Dogs" Recipe!

Running out of inexpensive weekend ideas? You could stay in and indulge in "The Big Bang Theory." Why not do like Emeril and "Kick it up a notch?" Here is a recipe I found to add to a simple theme that would make Sheldon scream "Bazinga!" Enjoy, friends."

Sheldon: We had dinner last night. She made me spaghetti with little hot dogs. I like spaghetti with little hot dogs.Well a hot dog. I gave up the other 5 hot dogs to a real dog. A real big dog. A hell hound. There'll be a tangent line at the end, it's not important.

Sheldon Has A Brother?

So up until re-watching season 1 today, I assumed Sheldon only had one sibling.  We met Missy Cooper in an episode where she is revealed to be his fraternal twin. The guys fight over her when they notice this southern beauty. But it wasn't until the first few episodes that I listened in on Sheldon's mom mentioning she has two other kids! Including Missy that left another sibling. I googled it thinking perhaps the show made a mistake... Highly doubtful.  It is pretty genius if you think about it. They have created a future juicy introduction for Sheldon's older brother. After some research we find that his brother is named George Cooper Jr. after their father who died when Sheldon was young. Their is a clue in an episode where the mom states that the other kids are "dumb as soup." However, we are able to see that Missy is actually very sweet and has a gift for dealing with Sheldon's demanding nature. The creators of this wonderful show have done extremely well in casting each character, haven't they? Bravo!

Missy: I thought it ended at cuckoo. Now you listen to me, if you want to start acting like a brother who cares about me, then terrific. Bring it on. But you try one time to tell me who I should be sleeping with, and you and I are going to go round and round the way we did when we were little. Remember? (Sheldon hurriedly crosses his legs.)


Sunday, May 3, 2015

What If There Was A "The Big Bang Theory Movie?"

Tonight I had a thought as I was watching season 7 of "The Big Bang Theory." Will there ever be a "Big Bang Theory," movie? We are looking at a show that is highly successful in it's viewer ratings. Just looking at rating statistics in January it was one of the 2 highest watched shows next to NCIS. So why not a movie? I bet in all the years of production the creators and cast have discussed this. Who knows if it is actually in future plans. Although I am painfully aware that many shows who have attempted such a big venture have failed...I believe this would be a smart choice. I am not just saying this naively as a big fan. Surely, you are wondering "What direction would the project go in?" I am so glad you asked. In my opinion it would be fun to have all the main characters go on a vacation. Raj could even bring Cinnamon. Perhaps a big cruise would be exciting to tackle fears, romance and offcourse a lot of humor. They should include special appearances of Stuart, Will Wheaton, Zazzles (move over Grumpy cat) and Kripke. The image I included is not official just a fun creation of a fellow fan. I googled images and loving this immediately I figured you would appreciate this as well. Keep your fingers crossed, I am hoping we will see an announcement some day that the movie is in production. Wouldn't that be exciting?

Quote: Raj: If anyone's interested, I'll be spending this Valentine's in the same way I spend every Valentine's. Buying disoriented chicken from the supermarket, taking home, standing over the sink and eating out of the packet with my bare hands like an animal.